Reduction-in-Force/裁员 Non-represented Employees

第四部分:. 公元219年
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Review: 07/01/11
Last Revision: 02/23/10, 06/22/04
Prior Revisions: 03/12/02, 04/05/04
Initial Adoption: 02/28/88


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将遵守公务员制度关于裁员 non-represented classified employees of the college.  Reduction-in-force/裁员 may occur due to lack of funds, lack of work or for organizational change.


在公司裁员时,为未获代表的分类雇员订定裁员程序 由于缺乏资金、缺乏工作或组织变化而变得必要.  另外定义与减量或减量相关的过程 减少长期无代表的分类雇员的工作时间或工作年限.

To Whom Does This 政策 Apply

本政策适用于澳门威尼斯人在线赌场非代表的机密雇员.   如果受裁员影响,员工处于临时、试用或其他临时状态 地位者可要求列入全机构裁员名单,但不能 eligible for layoff employment options at the college.


Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

357-01-195 – 裁员单位

357-46 - 裁员 and Separation


Appointing Authority -一个人或一群人被合法授权预约、发起 layoffs, demotions, suspensions, reductions in salary, and dismissals.

Class -一个或多个在职责和职责方面足够相似的职位 可以适当地使用相同的描述性标题来指定每个职位 allocated to the class; that the same general qualification requirements are needed for performance of the duties of the class; that the same test of fitness may be used to select employees; and that the same schedule of pay can be applied with equity 在相同或基本相同的工作岗位上的所有职位 条件.

Comparable Position -具有相同程序专业、所需技能、知识和能力的职位 and experience, workweek, work schedule/shift, and work year requirements (i.e. 百分比 of time, number of months per year, and same geographical area).  The Vice President for Administrative Services or designee will determine comparable positions.

生效日期 - The date on which an action takes place.

Institution Wide 裁员 List -一份包含塔科马社区永久雇员或试用雇员的名单 已经或计划裁员,或接受较低选择的学生 in lieu 的裁员.

裁员 -从机构服务中分离,从班级内服务中分离,减薪 in the work year, and/or reduction in the number of work hours.

裁员资历 -员工在不间断分类中获得的服务总额 服务.  Authorized leave of absence or leave without pay will not constitute a break 在服务; however, the time spent on such leave will not be included in computing 资历.  A furlough for the purposes of temporary layoff is not considered a break 在服务.

裁员单位 -机构内明确确定的结构,在该结构内就业/裁员 options are determined in accordance with the layoff procedure.  裁员单位可以 be a series of progressively larger unit within the institution.

Special 就业 Program -由人事部主任指定、设计和 旨在减少失业及/或提供培训机会,使人士有能力 to become more employable.

Veterans Retention Preference -在军队服役一年或一年以上的长期雇员退伍军人 在美国武装部队的任何分支服役或服役时间少于 服役一年,因公致残而退役 或在政府的方便下被解雇,并在终止时 这样的服务已经获得光荣退伍,因为身体原因 有一个光荣的记录,或从现役中释放,有证据证明 军旅服役:除了不受欢迎的、坏的行为或不光彩的解雇之外的服役 给予的,应在分类服务中增加其不间断服务,其 total active military 服务, not to exceed five years.  The combined total of unbroken 服役中的分类兵役和现役兵役将构成 veteran’s layoff 资历.  The unmarried widow/widower of an eligible veteran is entitled to veterans’ retention benefits.  Veteran does not include any person who 作为退伍军人,服现役二十年以上,并有军事经验 retirement pay in excess of five hundred dollars per month.


为减员目的,长期、无代表的叙级工作人员 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将被视为三(3)个独立的和不同的 裁员单位:

  1. Special 就业 项目.
  2. Project 就业
  3. All other classified employees.

裁撤的职位数量将由任命机关决定 in each classification.  S/he or his/her designee will then determine which employees 是否将被解雇,确定受影响雇员的期权权利以及是否被解雇 这些权利包括根据这一程序解雇另一名雇员 or civil 服务 rules.

最初的裁员顺序将根据员工的裁员年资进行 in the class(es) affected.  裁员 资历 is based on the earliest date of continuous classified 服务 at the college.  Authorized leave of absence or leave without pay will not constitute a break 在服务; however, the time spent on such leave will not be included in computing 资历.  Within classes/classifications, emergency, 临时员工或间歇性员工将在试用期员工之前被解雇 or provisional status.  Similarly, those with probationary or provisional status will be laid off before permanent employees.  Employees having the least 资历 will be laid off first with those with greatest 资历 last.

The Human 资源 Administrator or his/her designee will:

  1. 向受影响的雇员提供裁员通知,内容包括:
  2. The reason for the layoff.
  3. The employees layoff options
  4. 裁员名单,员工有权要求安置和如何要求 placement on the statewide layoff list.
  5. The date the employee must select a layoff option.
  6. The employee’s right to appeal the layoff.
  7. 通知每位受影响的员工,他或她将有五个日历天可供选择 一个选择,如果有的话,或者选择被解雇,在员工的 option, and be placed on the appropriate layoff list(s).  Each affected employee’s option selection must be in writing and given to Human 资源.

永久雇员将收到至少15个日历日的书面通知 的裁员.  该通知将在员工预定的时间内直接发给员工 工作时间或以保证书邮寄至雇员最后为人所知的地址 the employee is not available for personal 服务.

可能受裁员影响的临时、试用及其他临时雇员 除非出现不可预见的情况,否则将在采取行动后的15个日历日内发出通知 (i.e., immediate budget reductions) prevent such notification.

如果员工选择了一个职位,行政副总裁 服务部门或人力资源指定人员将通知受该员工离职影响的人员 决定.  The displaced employee will be notified of the upcoming action in accordance with the steps and rules in this procedure.